Siam White is a natural hybrid between Cassia fistula and Cassia bakeriana Origin: Thailand Scientific name (Hybrid): Cassia fistula x Cassia bakeriana Common names: Siam White (English) named by the author คูนขาวไทย ( Koon Khao) วชิรพฤกษ์ (Vajirapruk) named by Surawit Wannakrairoj (former Department Head, Horticulture Department, Kasetsart University) Original Tree Location: route # 3302, Tumbon Than Kasem, Phra Phutthabat district, Saraburi province in central Thailand Link to google map:,100.802129,3a,90y,289.68h,111.4t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sBa3i_ySnZYL31t20f7-VZg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 Cassia 'Siam White' Origin and its History In the year 2002, I visited this tree located on a local road in Saraburi, Thailand. At the time, the tree was probably 10-15 years old with the height of about 10 meters. I t was intended to plant as ...